Headshot of Leslie Headshot of Mike Headshot of Casey Headshot of Jon

Success Stories

Topresume knows how to help people get ahead in the job search. See what we did for these professionals.

Looking to move up the career ladder

Headshot of CaseyCasey, Financial Services

Casey wanted to transition from one industry to another. She needed help highlighting the job skills she had that could translate when changing careers. Her original resume simply didn’t give recruiters a good idea of her career goals.

See how we helped

Summarizing years of experience

Headshot of LeslieLeslie, eDiscovery/Litigation Support

Leslie returned to school to complete her college degree, and had to tie her recent work experience back to her prior industry. She needed help telling her career story in a cohesive way. Her resume was overly crammed with too much information, making it difficult for a hiring manager to quickly scan.

See how we helped

Leslie's resume before Topresume Leslie's resume after Topresume

Entering the workforce

Headshot of MikeMike, Translator

Mike was searching for his dream job, but wasn’t sure how to get it. He needed to define and package his relevant job skills to attract the right job opportunities. Mike barely had a resume to begin with, so he needed one that spoke to these specific assets.

See how we helped

Switching industries

Headshot of JonJon, Healthcare Sales

Jon was looking to switch careers, but needed to tell a better story and highlight how his work experience and technical skills could add value to a new employer. His resume was too long, so his accomplishments were too buried too deep to be noticed by recruiters.

See how we helped

My main concern was ‘Am I going to get what I paid for?’ … What I got back was well-beyond what I thought I’d get back with the amount of effort I put in.

What customers say about us

I was hesitant to pay for these services, but my resume needed some serious help. It wasn't a week after I received my updated resume, and I was offered a position. The staff was extremely helpful and responsive-- they were thorough in asking what I wanted and the goals I was hoping to achieve. 10/10-- would recommend to anyone.
Topresume is rated a 4.5 out of 5, with over 500 reviews.
Topresume's price was more than reasonable, the turnaround time was rapid, the service was exemplary, and the product was top-notch. I don't have any concerns about recommending Topresume to anyone, regardless of where you're at in your career.
Topresume is rated a 4.3 out of 5, with over 2,700 reviews.
Excellent service. My writer was able to take a jumbled mess that eventually became 6 un-edited pages of job duties and responsibilities and turned it into a two-page concise document that represents me in a professional manner.
Topresume is rated a 8.3 out of 10, with over 4,300 reviews.

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